Public Safety Answering Call Center II

Public Safety Answering Call Center II

After eight years of work, the new Public Safety Answering Call Center II in New York is now operational. Designed by SOM the development comprises 580,000 sq ft of space over 12 floors and includes a call center, meeting and conference rooms, food preparation and serving area and ancillary support areas.

When the twin towers fell in New York in 2001, significant emergency communication infrastructure was lost in the lower part of Manhattan, which reduced the ability of emergency services to respond efficiently to the ongoing crisis.

There are now two PSACs serving New York, both fully independent of each other and capable of serving as a backup. PSAC II will be able to operate for 72 hours without any external support, providing continuous operation in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.


New York Department of Design and Construction


New York

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